CASK - Clinical Anatomical Skills
CASK - Clinical Anatomical Skills
E-learning dedicated to clinical anatomy
Resources for the MOOC
A series of resources developed by the Dept. of Anatomy & Embryology,
Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands.
Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands.
Paul Gobée, Daniël Jansma, Beerend Hierck en Marco DeRuiter
Resources for the MOOC
Anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis: a journey from basis to clinic
Interactive tutorials in Gross, Microscopic & Postgraduate Anatomy
- interactive approach
”like a teacher posing stimulating questions and responding to the student’s answers, allowing students to learn by trial and error” - highly visual presentation
- aimed at clinical anatomy
- Microscopy Blood vessels
- Human Morphology of the Abdomen
- The Inguinal Area anatomy
- Microscopy Gastrointestinal Tract
- View digital slides online
- Viewer manual
Anatomical Terms

- translation of anatomical terms: Latin, English, eponyms, vice versa, etc.
Over 30.000 terms, ~ 95% of all terms in Terminologia Anatomica - easy search
- automated image & document search
Visible Human Browser
- Scroll body-sections in 3 interconnected axes
- Optimized for use on the Web
3D : OAH webviewer
- Required: modern browser like Chrome / Firefox / Safari / IE 11 & laptop/desktop with a decent graphics card. Other devices might work.
The OAH webviewer was made by Cees-Willem Hofstede and Noeska Smit (TU Delft) and features a 3D model of the pelvis segmented by Annelot Kraima (LUMC) based on data from the Visible Korean Female set.
Paper: The Online Anatomical Human: Web-based Anatomy Education. Noeska Smit, Cees-Willem Hofstede, Annelot Kraima, Daniel Jansma, Marco deRuiter, Elmar Eisemann and Anna Vilanova. Eurographics Education Papers 2016