MOOC : Visible Human Browsers
MOOC : Visible Human Browsers
Department of Anatomy LUMC
Visible Human Browsers developed by the Department of Anatomy & Embryology,
Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands
D. Jansma, M.C. DeRuiter
based on datasets of the Visible Human Project and the LUMC
Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands
D. Jansma, M.C. DeRuiter
based on datasets of the Visible Human Project and the LUMC
- Complete trunk, three planes browser female
- Female, complete trunk
- 3 planes simultaneously visible. Scrolling one plane adapts the other.
- Only gross cryosections
- No plugin required
- Supported by recent versions of: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,Google Chrome,Apple Safari
- size: 15 MB
- 836 x 1064 pixels (height x width ; full viewport without scrollbars)
- Complete trunk, three planes CT browser female
- Female, complete trunk : 2 versions, see info and links below.
- 3 planes simultaneously visible. Scrolling one plane adapts the other.
- Only CT sections
- No plugin required
- Supported by recent versions of: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,Google Chrome,Apple Safari
- size: 25 MB (default above link : transversal stack 1mm slices ; coronal + sagittal stack 0.7 mm slices)
- size: 15 MB (transversal stack 1mm slices ; coronal + sagittal stack 1.4 mm slices)
- 855 x 1274 pixels (height x width ; full viewport without scrollbars)