Department of Anatomy LUMC
Visible Human Browsers developed by the Department of Anatomy & Embryology,
Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands
D. Jansma, M.C. DeRuiter
based on datasets of the Visible Human Project and the LUMC
  1. Complete trunk, three planes browser female
    • Female, complete trunk
    • 3 planes simultaneously visible. Scrolling one plane adapts the other.
    • Only gross cryosections
    • No plugin required
    • Supported by recent versions of: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,Google Chrome,Apple Safari
    • size: 15 MB
    • 836 x 1064 pixels (height x width ; full viewport without scrollbars)

  2. Complete trunk, three planes CT browser female
    • Female, complete trunk : 2 versions, see info and links below.
    • 3 planes simultaneously visible. Scrolling one plane adapts the other.
    • Only CT sections
    • No plugin required
    • Supported by recent versions of: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,Google Chrome,Apple Safari
    • size: 25 MB (default above link : transversal stack 1mm slices ; coronal + sagittal stack 0.7 mm slices)
    • size: 15 MB (transversal stack 1mm slices ; coronal + sagittal stack 1.4 mm slices)
    • 855 x 1274 pixels (height x width ; full viewport without scrollbars)